2025 Water Rates
New Water Rates for Dell Water Company Customers
On September 26th, 2024, the Town Council of Dell, AR, voted to implement new water rates for Dell Water Company Customers. The new rates include an increase in 2025 and 2026. Please see the table below for the new rates going into effect in January 2025.
Dell Water Company Rates | ||||||||||
Water | Sewer | Garbage | Safe Water Fee | Insurance | ||||||
Residential | Commercial | Residential Only | ||||||||
Gallons | In Town | Outside Town | In Town | Outside Town | Leak | Line | ||||
Minimum (includes 1st 1000) | $25.32 | $30.45 | $34.25 | $34.25 | $33.00 | $21.22 | $0.40 | $1.50 | $4.50 | |
Per extra 1000 | $11.30 | $11.30 | $11.30 | $11.30 | $9.01 | N/A |
Meter Charges | |
Meter Size | Monthly Fixed Rate |
5/8" or 3/4" | $0.00 |
1" | $15.00 |
1 1/2" | $20.00 |
2" | $25.00 |
3" | $50.00 |
With these new rates going into effect in January 2025, ESTIMATED bill amounts have been provided, organized below by whether the amount is calculated for Residential or Commercial, with or without Garbage, with or without Sewer, and In or Outside Town.
The following tables are of estimated bill totals for the listed gallons of usage. Your individual bill may be more or less than the amount shown. tHE ESTIMATES DO NOT INCLUDE METER CHARGES, but do include 9% tax.
Residential Water Bill ESTIMATES With Garbage and With Sewer | ||||||
Leak Insurance | Line Insurance | Leak & Line Insurance | ||||
Gallons | In Town | Ouside Town | In Town | Outside Town | In Town | Outside Town |
1000 | $85.63 | $91.22 | $88.63 | $94.22 | $90.13 | $95.72 |
2000 | $106.96 | $112.55 | $109.96 | $115.55 | $111.46 | $117.05 |
3000 | $128.28 | $133.87 | $131.28 | $136.87 | $132.78 | $138.37 |
4000 | $149.61 | $155.20 | $152.61 | $158.20 | $154.11 | $159.70 |
5000 | $170.94 | $176.53 | $173.94 | $179.53 | $175.44 | $181.03 |
6000 | $192.26 | $197.86 | $195.26 | $200.86 | $196.76 | $202.36 |
10000 | $277.57 | $283.16 | $280.57 | $286.16 | $282.07 | $287.66 |
15000 | $384.21 | $389.80 | $387.21 | $392.80 | $388.71 | $394.30 |
20000 | $490.84 | $496.43 | $493.84 | $499.43 | $495.34 | $500.93 |
Residential Water Bill ESTIMATES Without Garbage and With Sewer | ||||||
Leak Insurance | Line Insurance | Leak & Line Insurance | ||||
Gallons | In Town | Ouside Town | In Town | Outside Town | In Town | Outside Town |
1000 | $62.50 | $68.09 | $65.50 | $71.09 | $67.00 | $72.59 |
2000 | $83.83 | $89.42 | $86.83 | $92.42 | $88.33 | $93.92 |
3000 | $105.15 | $110.74 | $108.15 | $113.74 | $109.65 | $115.24 |
4000 | $126.48 | $132.07 | $129.48 | $135.07 | $130.98 | $136.57 |
5000 | $147.81 | $153.40 | $150.81 | $156.40 | $152.31 | $157.90 |
6000 | $169.13 | $174.73 | $172.13 | $177.73 | $173.63 | $179.23 |
10000 | $254.44 | $260.03 | $257.44 | $263.03 | $258.94 | $264.53 |
15000 | $361.08 | $366.67 | $364.08 | $369.67 | $365.58 | $371.17 |
20000 | $467.71 | $473.30 | $470.71 | $476.30 | $472.21 | $477.80 |
Residential Water Bill ESTIMATES With Garbage and Without Sewer | ||||||
Leak Insurance | Line Insurance | Leak & Line Insurance | ||||
Gallons | In Town | Ouside Town | In Town | Outside Town | In Town | Outside Town |
1000 | $52.63 | $58.22 | $55.63 | $61.22 | $57.13 | $62.72 |
2000 | $64.95 | $70.54 | $67.95 | $73.54 | $69.45 | $75.04 |
3000 | $77.26 | $82.85 | $80.26 | $85.85 | $81.76 | $87.35 |
4000 | $89.58 | $95.17 | $92.58 | $98.17 | $94.08 | $99.67 |
5000 | $101.90 | $107.49 | $104.90 | $110.49 | $106.40 | $111.99 |
6000 | $114.21 | $119.81 | $117.21 | $122.81 | $118.71 | $124.31 |
10000 | $163.48 | $169.07 | $166.48 | $172.07 | $167.98 | $173.57 |
15000 | $225.07 | $230.66 | $228.07 | $233.66 | $229.57 | $235.16 |
20000 | $286.65 | $292.24 | $289.65 | $295.24 | $291.15 | $296.74 |
Residential Water Bill ESTIMATES Without Garbage and Without Sewer | ||||||
Leak Insurance | Line Insurance | Leak & Line Insurance | ||||
Gallons | In Town | Ouside Town | In Town | Outside Town | In Town | Outside Town |
1000 | $29.50 | $35.09 | $32.50 | $38.09 | $34.00 | $39.59 |
2000 | $41.82 | $47.41 | $44.82 | $50.41 | $46.32 | $51.91 |
3000 | $54.13 | $59.72 | $57.13 | $62.72 | $58.63 | $64.22 |
4000 | $66.45 | $72.04 | $69.45 | $75.04 | $70.95 | $76.54 |
5000 | $78.77 | $84.36 | $81.77 | $87.36 | $83.27 | $88.86 |
6000 | $91.08 | $96.68 | $94.08 | $99.68 | $95.58 | $101.18 |
10000 | $140.35 | $145.94 | $143.35 | $148.94 | $144.85 | $150.44 |
15000 | $201.94 | $207.53 | $204.94 | $210.53 | $206.44 | $212.03 |
20000 | $263.52 | $269.11 | $266.52 | $272.11 | $268.02 | $273.61 |
In Town Commercial Water Bill ESTIMATES | ||||
With Garbage | Without Garbage | |||
Gallons | With Sewer | Without Sewer | With Sewer | Without Sewer |
1000 | $93.86 | $60.86 | $70.73 | $37.73 |
2000 | $115.19 | $73.18 | $92.06 | $50.05 |
3000 | $136.52 | $85.50 | $113.39 | $62.37 |
4000 | $157.84 | $97.81 | $134.71 | $74.68 |
5000 | $179.17 | $110.13 | $156.04 | $87.00 |
6000 | $200.50 | $122.45 | $177.37 | $99.32 |
10000 | $285.81 | $171.72 | $262.68 | $148.59 |
15000 | $392.44 | $233.30 | $369.31 | $210.17 |
20000 | $499.08 | $294.89 | $475.95 | $271.76 |
Outside Town Commercial Water Bill ESTIMATES | ||||
With Garbage | Without Garbage | |||
Gallons | With Sewer | Without Sewer | With Sewer | Without Sewer |
1000 | $93.86 | $60.86 | $70.73 | $37.73 |
2000 | $115.19 | $73.18 | $92.06 | $50.05 |
3000 | $136.52 | $85.50 | $113.39 | $62.37 |
4000 | $157.84 | $97.81 | $134.71 | $74.68 |
5000 | $179.17 | $110.13 | $156.04 | $87.00 |
6000 | $200.50 | $122.45 | $177.37 | $99.32 |
10000 | $285.81 | $171.72 | $262.68 | $148.59 |
15000 | $392.44 | $233.30 | $369.31 | $210.17 |
20000 | $499.08 | $294.89 | $475.95 | $271.76 |